Contact Us

Use the form below to send general inquiries, tips, and article pitches.

    Pitching to The Rake

    If you have a story you would like to pitch for publication on The Rake Vermont, we’d like to hear from you! Before getting started, here’s a few things you should know:

    First, it’s important to know what we’re about, so you’re sure The Rake Vermont is the right place for you. Read our mission statement and welcoming post to get a better understanding of the things we stand for, and see if we’re a fit.

    If you wish to submit on a freelance basis, send a pitch with the form above. We will review your piece at weekly editorial meetings and discuss if it would be a good fit.

    Some things to consider when pitching us: is it local to Vermont? Does it have a working and/or marginalized class focus? Is it punching up at capitalist power structures?

    We will never reject your work based on your identity, English language skills, writing experience, publishing history, or political affiliations that do not conflict with our editorial collective. However, we reserve the right to reject any piece for any other reason.